
Gualdo Cattaneo – Palazzo Trinci

  Among the wonders and beauties that Umbria preserves and hides, a special place must certainly be reserved for the town of Gualdo Cattaneo, an enchanting ancient village, with a medieval flavor, where walking through its streets and admiring its architectural beauties will have the spirit

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Castelluccio di Norcia and its flowering

Castelluccio di Norcia is a unique quaint little village in the hearth of the Monti Sibillini national park. The current residential settlement probably dates back to the XIII century. Castelluccio was a fortress under the rule of the nearby town called Norcia to defend the pastures on

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Spello flower festival: Infiorata

Every year on the Corpus Domini day, Spello, defined by Julius Caesar as “Splendidissima Colonia Iulia” (literally Magnificent Iulia colony), a charming Umbrian town amongst the most beautiful Medieval borgo in Italy, hosts a wonderful festival called Infiorata.       This is a wonderful festival where hundreds of

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Construction types: the rustic house

The Tuscan or Umbrian farmhouse has changed a good deal since the sixteenth century, due to the environmental context, the agricultural resources available, and the social condition and the ways of life of those who lived there: farmer, sharecropper or small owner. However, traditional farmhouses

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